Saturday, July 13, 2024

Camping as a Means to Get Away from It All

We are not in control--at least, not as much as we would like to be or assume we are. We have the most control over our actions and that does have an influence on consequences. Happenstance, however, well--we have to learn to go with the roll. 

 I remember once on my wife and my trip to California, I was draining our Airstream Basecamp's sewage tank during our overnighter in Kansas. The dang thing just wouldn't drain! I pulled the valve open, and there was no flow after repeated attempts. Frustrating! After checking all the connections to no avail--all was as it should be--I suddenly realized I hadn't removed the drain plugs that came with the drain hose. Nothing was flowing because the line was plugged close! Obviously, I was tired, and the result was that I had been wasting my time. 

However, sometimes events occur that are not of our own doing. I've read and written about those occurances on this blog--axle breakage, flat tires, drunken and violent neighbors, wind shear that pushes you off the road. In all those instances, the small trailer owners dealt with the situation, muddled through, and went on to camp and enjoy. 

Sometimes the unexpected is ironic and not so bad, a kind of cosmic learning moment, if we are open to possibility of life's lessons coming our way and opening our minds. My wife calls these moments "the irony of camping to get away from it all." If the world is as we are, then there is a certain irony, a certain piquant, dark humor to some happenings. 

One recently happened to Sandy's son Thomas while he was camping at Indian Lake Campground in Farmington, Iowa. Thomas's first two camping experiences using our Airstream Basecamp 16 had been with his sister's family--two adults, three dogs, and niece and nephew. He enjoyed it, and there were some days he was camping when they were gone; however, he was hankering for that experience of "getting away from it all." 

And what is the "it" that we all want to get away from? I imagine that it is somewhat different for different campers since campers are a diverse group. However, I think we can make a few generalizations. "Getting away from it all" for some means less complexity, for others fewer rules or boundaries, away from people and hustle-bustle for many, and for many others the search for silence away from the noise and buildings and back to nature. Yes, getting away from it all means in some sense removing mankind's footprint, or as Jack London wrote, iron heel. 

So Thomas elected to camp by himself at Indian Lake Campground, to spend time alone in the silence. Indian Lake Campground is an old-style campground with a rear camping area beneath the trees where you can pretty much camp where you want as long as your plug-ins can reach one of the two 30 amp stations at each end of the area. Thomas reserved a week, drove the forty miles to the campground, set up, and then kicked back to enjoy the silence. He was alone and had achieved his goal; he'd gotten away from it all, from his sister and her partner, from the kids and the dogs. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy being with everybody; he just wanted to try something new. He was living the life.

You all probably are feeling that this is the moment where the plot turns in an unexpected direction, and you're right! The fickle finger of fate reached down and blessed Thomas with a "learning moment." 

Some neighbors arrived--nice folks, no one dangerous or disgusting. However, a lot of nice folks! A rig pulled in next to Thomas, a family consisting of three dogs, eight kids, and two parents. When Sandy told me the news--that Thomas had called to tell--she was (sweetly) laughing so hard I thought she said "three dogs, eight kids, and two parakeets! The only other time in our twenty years of marriage I had seen Sandy laugh so much was the time we went to an Asian restaurant and I taken a big bite of "cucumber" that turned out to be very spicy ginger! She took one look at my face when the intensity of the ginger hit me (who had been expecting cooling cucumber), and laughed until she was gasping and teary eyed. Now, that's true love!

Thomas had his surprise and, not surprisingly, learned that things weren't all that bad. The eight kids weren't coming over to hang with him, the dogs weren't mooching food, and the adults acted like adults. Not quite the silence or open vistas he had anticipated, but camp was quiet enough, and Thomas also had some good 45-minute walks around the lake. 

Sometimes we have the good fortune of getting away from it all both mentally and physically. Sometimes we have to find that quiet place inside even though it's a bit busy outside around us. We all develop our mechanisms for finding peace, and I've found camping to be one of the more enjoyable. How about you?

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Saturday, July 6, 2024

A Beginner's Experience of Camping in a Little Trailer

Rainy Day Getaway
"Look at this!" my wife's son says on Facetime from his campsite an hour's drive from our home. What we see is a plastic storage bin at the rear door of our Airstream Basecamp travel trailer, water dripping steadily from the top of the door seal. That drip-drip-drip is one more lesson in a beginning camper's experience of being on the road alone--in this case during a driving rainstorm. 

My reply via Facetime was to say, "Yes, that happened to me once. How's the bin catching the drip?" Since it was raining hard but the plastic bin was catching the drips, that was the end to my part of the crisis. The next morning I called Thomas and suggested that he should check the rubber seal. Sometimes in the heat it pulls loose when the door is opened. After checking the seal, the evidence was that there was a wrinkle in the seal, and Thomas said he would readjust the seal and wipe down the closure area. Problem solved . . . we hope.

For anyone who has gone camping, we know that things come up--and that there is a learning curve. Experience and knowledge are good things and can ease the bite when chance reaches out and nips us. I've been enjoying teaching Thomas and helping him enter his first year of small trailer camping. He's doing a great job, and interacting with him during this camping season has been a great walk down memory lane plus a good venue for us to get to know one another better.

The first step in teaching Thomas how to tiny trailer camp was towing. I already had a hitch and ball, so we mounted that on his Tacoma pick-up and then had the electric brake controller installed. In order to learn how to back the trailer, Thomas followed the same steps I had used: hitching up from my driveway and then rounding the block and backing in; then pulling out in the opposite direction, rounding the block, and backing in again, thus backing in from both directions. After about three mornings of practice, I told Thomas he was ready to hit the road. To be perfectly honest, he was a much faster learner than I was. 

Memorial Day Campsite
His first camping experience in the Basecamp was at our local county park, about five miles from our house. Thomas didn't have towing set up on his Tacoma yet, so since he was going to camp with his sister and her family, they towed his trailer out to the campground after setting theirs up. It was a great experience for Thomas, seeing how the campground is peaceful on weekdays and more lively on the weekends. He also learned a bit about planning--packing bread and mustard for sandwiches, but forgetting the other ingredients! We've all done that, right? On his current trip, he came back to visit us the next day because he had forgotten something vital--coffee! And so the beginner's experience of camping grows, becoming more adept and rich. We dream, then plan, and then learn through trial and error. 

Belva Deer Campground
On his second camping experience towing, Thomas was a little late getting ready, and his sister and company showed up early for their trip to Lake Belva Deer Park campground. They caravaned together to the campground, and the early departure meant a few items were left behind; however, he was more philosophical about his lapses, realizing that he had the basics--a place to stay, food, clothing, and good company. 

At an Older "Retro" Campground
On Thomas's current trip, he has towed the camper himself for the second time, set it up, and is enjoying his first solo camping experience. Yes, he burned his leg on our Solo stove, but he is happy, taking 45-minute walks around the lake, riding his bike, or just lying back in the chaise lounge at camp and reading. The Basecamp provides him with a self-sufficient, safe haven, a true "basecamp" for him to explore and relax. 

I am reminded of my little learning lessons, such as when a raccoon opened my ice box and stole a baked potato I was going to cook as home fries the next morning. Or the time during a big rainstorm when a limb fell and bashed a hole in my first trailer, the Green Goddess (link to article). I also remember the time my wife and I traveled to Carlsbad, California, to visit her parents. When backing the trailer into their driveway, having to be very precise so there was room for the parents' car to still get into the garage, I had to finally tell everyone, "I can get the trailer exactly where we want it. Just be patient and let me do it with twenty tries instead of two." My retired major Marine Recon father-in-law graciously listened to me, and by-golly I finally got the rig where we wanted it! I could go on and on, and I know that many reading this article could add their own stories, ones we fondly look back on now but which were a bit tense at the time they were happening. 

We learn as we go, and it has been my joy to see Thomas successfully negotiate his learning curve from beginning camper to Old Man on the Mountain. Even though there are no real mountains in Iowa, you get the idea: one more experienced camper is now enjoying the great outdoors. 

Bambi, the Apache, Mickey, Minnie, and their pet Godzilla
You may ask, What about my camping? What about our camping, my wife and I? The short answer to that is that after coming out of retirement and teaching full-time for one year, it's just plain nice to kick back at home and to spend time together with Sandy. Also, Sandy and I have a little visual aid in the house to keep our dreams alive and our curiosity lively!

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Monday, January 1, 2024

Off the Grid or Within the Grid?

For those of you who have been keeping track--probably no one has since even I haven't--it's been a year since I last posted, December 20, 2022, to be exact. I wish I could say that I've been off the grid, way out in the boondocks, and haven't had access to the internet. Yes, that's why I haven't posted! The reality, however, is that I've been within the grid, so to say, since I've been teaching school again, last school year as a substitute teacher for the spring of 2023, and this year since the fall as a full-time 4th Grade teacher. 

A little substitute teaching morphed into a one-time, one-year offer to teach in my old school district, Van Buren County Community School District, where I've been teaching in the little town of Douds until the end of the year when my position will be filled by a permanent teacher, one of several who are in the building completing their student teacher training. How do I feel about going back to full-time teaching after retiring for ten years? My answer is the same as it always has been: I'm always happy and excited on the first day of school, and I'm always happy and excited on the last day of school. 

My camping experience last year consisted of a weekend at the local county park four miles from our house. I've immersed myself completely in teaching, not trying to live two lifestyles at once, knowing that my commitment of one teaching year will end and then I can get back to a more relaxed, outdoor life. This situation is easy to accept because I am teaching a wonderful 4th Grade class this year--exceptionally kind, polite, and curious students. It's a wonderful encore for my teaching career.

Not all has been teaching, though. About eighteen months ago, my wife and I bought thirty-five rural acres in Van Buren County, around forty miles from our home, mostly wooded acreage that we've developed with some gravel, electricity and water, and a sewage storage tank for our trailer. We were considering how to add a small cabin to the land when we decided to do something we swore we'd never do--buy an "apartment on wheels." Yes, we bought a twenty-five foot Dutchment travel trailer that we had towed to the land and which now completes our small, self-contained space out in the country. On reflection, what I had always said about larger RVs is that I'd never tow one; I never said that I'd never own one. For a reasonable price we now have a small living space on our land that just happens to have wheels. 

Owning this land is fulfilling a lifelong desire for my wife, and I've enjoyed sharing the experience with her. So far we've only had a chance to spend one night this last fall in our new camper on our land, but setting up the land and the camping area has been a real learning experience for us. We've fixed fences, cleared brush, mowed grass, and generally opened up a private camping space for ourselves. The land has some beautiful features, but mostly the appeal is the privacy, the chance to truly be out and about without rubbing elbows with many strangers, their animals, and their chugging generators, unrequested playlists of music, and the social issues they're working out with friends and family. This doesn't mean we don't like to socialize; it just means that it's nice to have the option of solitude. 

We are looking forward to when school is out and we can turn our lifestyle more toward camping on our land. We want to try a "one-eighty" and live on the land Monday through Friday and then come back to our house on the weekends to shop, do laundry, and see the grandkids. Since we have Starlink, we will be able to set up a strong internet system on the land so that Sandy can work there with her consulting business. It will provide us with a good experience of living on the land and just having some private time for ourselves, and it's six months away.

December 19 photo of the river from the bridge by a fellow teacher
This next spring, perhaps in April, I have a camping project that should be fun. My school is on the Des Moines River. It's an eighteen-mile commute to work, and every day I cross the river to get to school. There is a small two-spot county campground down by the river, just before the bridge, and I hope to camp there next spring so that I can just walk across the river to get to work. The campsites have 30 amp electricity; however, there is no water, nor are there restrooms. With my little self-sufficient Airstream Basecamp 16, though, I'll be perfectly comfortable. Looking forward to that!

For long-term camping plans for the next season, we have hopes to travel to Michigan and/or Washington state this upcoming year since we have family in both areas. We even are considering on spending a winter in South Carolina sometime, enjoying cold (but not as cold as Iowa) winter walks on the beaches. 

For now, though, I am focusing on doing the best job I can teaching my wonderful students. At halfway through the school year, I have a good sense of the routine, the technology, and the curriculum. First years always have their challenges of so many new specifics, but my 35+ years of teaching experience provide a stabilizing influence on the day-to-day requirements. I love the people I work with--over a dozen people are former colleagues or students. Yes, many of the school's teachers and paraprofessionals are my former students!

I look forward to continuing my Green Goddess Glamping blog as time allows. Don't be surprised, though, if the posts are infrequent until the end of the school year. I'm still here, and look forward to the new year with all its variety of experiences. Happy New Year!

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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

A Rustic Trails Tiny Trailer Travelin' Man Travelogue, Part 3, Summer (June, July, August)

Zion National Park, June 2022
Two ways to introduce this summer of 2022 continuing Rustic Trails Tiny Trailer Travelin' Man Travelogue came to mind. Since summer is the season of growth and expansion, we decided to go with both! 

The First: "It’s hotter than hades here [Zion NP], so it’s up the mountain for sure tomorrow." (June 9)

The Second: "Well, it finally happened. After 111 days, it actually rained last night. As an Englishman used to more than 200 days of rain a year, this dry period has made me feel, well, like a fish out of water. These drought conditions out west are no joke!" (June 24)

To cope with the heat (even if it's a dry heat), Allan Finley took the high road for the summer leg of his multi-year expedition through the American West. With his intrepid Blue Heeler dog, his Kodiak Stealth model Rustic Trails Teardrop Camper, and his Ford Ranger pickup, he stuck it in low and headed up the mountains, posting inspiring photographs and commentary on his exploits via the Facebook group page Rustic Trail Teardrops and Friends. Below are some examples.

"We went down a rough rutted two track road [in Dixie National Forest] and found a great spot up on a knoll with a view of a lovely alpine meadow. It’s open range and as there are a couple of watering holes just below us, cows and other animals visit for a drink." (June 14)

"I just might be getting the hang of this boondocking thing. It was 97F in Moab, so we hightailed up into Manti-La Sal NF. Leaving Moab at about 4,600 feet, we climbed up to 8,850 feet and are enjoying very pleasant 78F temps with a light breeze. The views on the way up and at the site are gorgeous and it’s free!" (June 29)

Arches NP, Devil's Garden
Devil's Garden Hike, July 8
On a July 6 Facebook post, Allan really provides a taste of what his life on the road is like.

"So exactly six months ago today, Finley and I left home in western North Carolina to go on a walkabout. So far we have covered 11,810 miles at an average fuel consumption of 17.9 mpg and have visited eleven states so far. We had picked up the RTTC Kodiak last August and put about 5,000 miles on it before leaving on our trip, so we have about 17,000 miles under our belts in total. We have experienced temps as low as 16F and as high as 103F.  We boondock almost all the time now that we have arrived in the West. In fact, we have not plugged in for 106 straight days now. We go down some pretty rugged trails, so I think we have given the Kodiak a pretty thorough workout and I have to say I’m super impressed! All systems have functioned perfectly, keeping us safe, dry, warm/cool and comfortable. 

"I have only experienced three issues with the camper. 

"1) One of my leaf springs broke going down a gnarly two track. This is not an RTTC issue as they use industry standard springs. I managed to locate spare springs about 100 miles away, and I quickly fixed the problem. 

'2) The caulk around the front cabinets has separated. I imagine this is due to the constant jostling and maybe also the humidy from the Deep South to the western deserts. No big deal, I just removed the old caulk and reapplied some DAP 320. Super easy!!

"3) The bloody license plate holder is just way too low. It used to be above the rear light and now is below. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve have to bend back the plate. Finally I just took it off and stuck it in my glove compartment.

"That’s the sum total of my issues, and they’re all pretty minor or unforeseeable. Without a doubt RTTC makes an extremely well-made camper, and Finley and I look forward to continuing our little adventure for the next 3-4 years."

"The Rig" just before climbing Ophir Pass
Allan's adventures couldn't be complete without writing about his "superb off-road jaunt over the Ophir Pass." In Silverton, Colorado, Allan ran across the Scott Pesek family, who also owned and were traveling in an RTTC Kodiak. Scott suggested that Allan take the Ophir Pass, a 13-mile gravel road with the pass summit reaching 11,814 feet. Considered an OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) road, 4-wheel drive is recommended. 

Ophir Pass, Larry Lamsa photo
Allan said that he "had many compliments from people in jeeps and such saying that I was the only person pulling a trailer on that trail. RTTC builds a GREAT product!" Here is a link [Ophir Pass video] of Allan on the gravel pass road. The video is six minutes long, so Allan jokes to bring some popcorn! Stating that the road "wasn’t that bad," he added, "but you definitely don’t want to be scared of heights or suffer from vertigo." 

"Rocky Mountain High" is the theme song to Allan's adventures during his summer travels, as he always tended to seek the high mountains to avoid the heats of summer. He was successful, for the most part, and also experienced some great camping! Below are some of the "high" experiences that he shared on the RTTC Facebook group page. 

Uncompahgre National Forest, July 2022
One boondocking spot was the Uncompahgre National Forest. "After a lot of exploring yesterday," Allan said, "we managed to find this gorgeous spot to camp in a glade within the Uncompahre NF up at close to 10,000 feet." During his stay, he managed to catch a rain storm (or the storm caught him!) On their last night, they were treated to "a nice little storm." Finley, his Blue Heeler dog, sat close by Allan, "but was not stressed out at all." Once the rain started to slow down, Finley was already off to round up some cows. "I actually quite like being out under the awning when it’s raining," Allan said regarding the storm, "and especially like the smell of the air when the rain has stopped. Probably something to do with my English roots. I have really enjoyed our time here. Definitely a spot I’d come back to for the wildflowers alone, plus there are lots of hiking trails nearby, and Black Canyon of the Gunnison is just over an hour away."

RTTC Grizzly campers pulled by Mini Coopers
Moving on, Allan left the boonies for more civilized digs, camping at Golden Eagle Campground in order to rendezvous with owners of other RTTC campers. Arriving a day early, he was luckily able to grab an extra night until his fellow travelers arrived. Maybe it was good for him to arrive early so that he'd have a little time to acclimate to RV city life! "It’s been a while since we camped in a private campground, and they sure do pack everyone in. After all the wonderful solitude we have enjoyed recently, the sounds of voices are a little jarring." The two Mini Cooper families, the Schaberts and the Mahaneys (both also on the RTTC FB group page), provided a nice change of pace for Allan and his dog. "It was fun to camp with them for a few days. Finley is sad to see them go as they gave him so much love and attention, not to mention bacon!"

The Schaberts on their way to the Golden Eagle Campground
The Mahaneys, tucked in beneath their 12x12 canopy at the RTTC get-together

Pike and San Isabel National Forest
"After the luxury accommodations of a campground with hookups," Allan said on his next Facebook post, "we are back to our usual wild camping. After negotiating many tricky forest roads and single tracks, our tenacity paid off handsomely with a beautiful site at 9,600 feet in the Pike and San Isabel National Forest. We are surrounded by 12-14,000’ peaks and a site within an alpine meadow bursting with wildflowers. Finley is loving being off leash again and able to explore and chase things at will.  Even a little hummingbird popped by to say hello, and I managed to get quick snap of him. Not a soul around, this is paradise."

Roosevelt National Forest, August 1
Roosevelt NF boondocking
Back on the road again, Allan worked his way to the Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado, finding a campsite high up in the forest. It was definitely bear country, since they'd seen lots of sign even though no actual bear sightings. "Elk, mule dear and moose, yes, but no bears yet," Allan posted. "We have great views of Longs Peak, which is over 14,200 feet; and several other peaks over 12,000 feet dot the horizon. Finley loves it here, and it does my heart good to see him romping around off leash, chasing anything that moves. I could stay here for another month at least, but we will probably leave tomorrow and head up to South Dakota."

Custer State Park, August 2022
Heading up north, Allan and Finley discovered the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, passing through, that is, on the way to Custer State Park. "We are spending a week at the marvelous Custer State Park in South Dakota. So much to see and really nice hiking, too! We are staying in the Center Lake Campground, no services but all the sites are day of reservations, so it’s easy to get a spot. I’m actually surprised that there is hardly anyone here, which can’t be said for the roads that are buzzing with Harley Davidson riders, one of whom almost became a hood ornament. There is something called Sturgis going on nearby. So far the Black Hills are quite lovely."

Happy Birthday, Finley!
The time at Custer State Park included scenic hikes and also birthdays--the Kodiak trailer was one year old, and Finley celebrated three years of the dog's life (treats, the outdoors, and a loving owner). 

"It’s been a birthday weekend here in SD. Our Kodiak turned 1 on Friday. I gave her  a loving pat and checked her tire pressure. We now have over 20,000 under our belts, and I couldn’t be happier with my purchase. We certainly have already had a few adventures with many more to come, I hope! Yesterday my little buddy Finley turned three years old, and to celebrate we did his favorite thing, hike! (Well, second best really, first is always treats! And he had a few of those, too.)"

Heading to the Badlands National Park provided the opportunity to see bighorn sheep . . . but also brought on the heat! "It’s a scorching 104 degrees in the convection oven that is the Badlands," Allan posted. "Hard to get motivated to get out of the truck and capture good photos. Finley enjoyed meeting Bighorn sheep and cows at the campsite last night. Luckily he was on leash, so nothing untoward happened! We need to get up to higher altitude for some cooler temps!" 

Heading higher is just what they did, into the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. "Another day, another great campsite in the mountains," Allan wrote. "The 100+ degree weather of the last few days was a drag so up, up and away! At over 7,000 feet, temperatures dropped by over 20 degrees with cool nights in the upper 50s, perfect for sleeping. Extra benefit--not a soul around and especially no Harleys!" 

In the Bighorn mountains of Wyoming, the two travelers almost overloaded on spectacular vistas and secluded boondocking sites. "We found a lovely private camping spot deep in the Bighorn NF on the boundary of the Cloud Peak Wilderness. Not a soul around except for the occasional lost ATV rider." Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks and points in between, free off-the-grid camping was the norm. With Facebook posts filled with wonder and whimsey, there is no doubt to be had of the high quality of Allan's (and Finley's) daily experiences. 

"We had a great hike in Tongue River Canyon yesterday. Perfect hiking weather and Finley got to cool off at several places along the way. We have really enjoyed our time in the Bighorns and will probably head west on Monday. Little to no cell service up here, so I haven’t posted much of late.

"It’s been a good day at Yellowstone. We’ve seen loose moose and bears in the woods and had an up close and personal with a bison. Also had a very pleasant chat with a raven, talkative chap.

"Gosh, I really love Wyoming. We left Yellowstone to visit its neighbor Grand Teton National Park. We found a really secluded spot with lovely views of the Tetons. Finley is off on a sniffari, and I can hear his little bear bell tinkling away. He hates it! I’m sitting with a glass of wine and watching the sunset. It’s been a really fab day."

September 2, 2022, near Grand Teton NP
A photo of a campsite such as the one above deserves some explanation of how Allan finds his boondocking campsites. Here's how he does it: "I make sure I pick up or download any maps of the area, especially the MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Maps) put out by the forest service. I also use apps like Campendium, The Dyrt, free, etc., the paid version offers. Lot more detail, which is useful. Then it’s a matter of nosing around and generally going where other campers can’t! That’s where you find the best spots."

And what better way to end this summer travelogue idyll than with Finley the Blue Heeler off on a canine wanderabout, with Allan sitting in camp, kicked back with a glass of wine, and wilderness as far as the eye can see. Next stop, autumn and the Pacific Northwest! 

Please subscribe by email to easily receive Green Goddess Glamping's tiny trailer articles. Here are the links to the Part 1 and Part 2 articles of Allan Finley's travels.

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Sunday, December 4, 2022

A Rustic Trails Tiny Trailer Travelin' Man Travelogue, Part 2, Spring (April, May, June)

Saguaro National Park, Arizona, April 2022
Having spent the winter in the warmer climes of the east coast (Part 1), Allan Finlay and his canine Blue Heeler canine companion, Finley, head west to the high and dry redrock country. At Caprock Canyons in Texas, he had "an extraordinary meeting with a bull bison just ten feet off the trail." With so much country to see, the Tiny Trailer Travelin' Man wasn't afraid to clock the miles as he continued on with his multi-year exploration of the United States, towing his RTTC Kodiak tiny trailer. 

While hiking Capstone Canyons
In April, Allan visited Caprock Canyons State Park and Trailway, Palo Duro Canyon State Park, and Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas; Sitting Bull Falls, "an absolutely gorgeous pine forest" at 9,000 feet elevation above Cloudcroft, the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument, Rustler Park Campground in the Chiricahua Mountains of the Coronado National Forest in New Mexico; the Tonto National Forest on the Mongollon Rim and Saguaro National Park in Arizona. The list of places visited is even longer, but you get the idea--the USA is a big place, and Allan is enjoying the scenery.

Near Sitting Bull Falls, New Mexico, April 2022
On this leg of Allan's journey, the extremes of altitude (with the corresponding heat and cold), off-the-grid boondocking, and the grand vistas of the West were all part and parcel of his discovery of the beauty of America. How did Allan's Ford Ranger and Kodiak camper hold up on rough roads? How did he manage the cold and the heat? How did he deal with waste management, with water management and cooking and washing? How did his Blue Heeler hold up during the travel? In a spring adventure that begins in Texas and continues on to splendors of Utah, Finlay and Finley found their peripatetic groove.

Boondocking: Allan was determined to get off the beaten track, and he did just that as he followed the spring weather to the great American West. Completing the "homework" information assignment I (your Green Goddess Glamping blog writer) provided, Allan determined that his overall camping habits for spring and beyond have been mostly off-the-grid camping.
  • Full service campsites 4%
  • Electric only 7%
  • Forest service, picnic table, fire ring, and privy 15%
  • Fully dispersed, no amenities at all 74%
On the West Fork of Oak Creek, near Sedona, Arizona, May 2022
That pretty much says it all, doesn't it? That's a lot of backroad travel, so the obvious question is how did Allan's travel trailer and tow vehicle hold up? The short answer is that the Ford Ranger and the RTTC Kodiak have "fared well." However, Allan did break a leaf spring on the Kodiak negotiating some extremely rough tracks in Arizona. He had to drive an hour to Phoenix to buy a set of springs and then change them in the parking lot. (Allan also said he has recently changed the Kodiak’s tires but that falls outside of the April-June time frame of this article.) Regarding his pickup, "The Ranger has been fine except that I have ruined two tires on rough roads and have replaced them with heavy duty off-road tires. Other than that it’s just been regular oil and filter changes."

Broken leaf spring, April 30, 2022
It was quite an adventure when one of the Kodiak's leaf springs broke. Allan describes the experience quite colorfully. 
"Bugger!!! That is an English technical term for when something goes wrong. As you can see, the picture is not one of Finley or a lovely vista but rather the undercarriage of my Kodiak and more specifically the broken leaf spring. As you all know, I love to find campsites off the beaten track; driving to them is often an adventure all by itself. So I do expect that things will break from time to time, although I am a bit surprised that the leaf sheared off where it did. Also, I want to stress that this has nothing to do with RTTC. They use an axle and suspension from one of the leading suppliers in the industry and a generously rated one to boot. I wonder if UPS will deliver to my campsite?"
Solar Power: "My solar system has worked flawlessly, allowing me to charge my many electrical items and keep the fans, fridge and lights working. I think for next year I may add some more battery capacity but other than that I am well pleased." (More solar specifics and a photo of the deployed panels are described in Part 1 of this travelogue series.) During the spring, no photos of raised solar panels on the Kodiak's roof were posted. I asked Allan about that--too much work, dangerous in the wind, not necessary? His responses made perfect sense and reflect the RV wisdom he has gained by his time on the road. "I generally only raise my panels during the winter when the sun is low in the sky," Allan said. "By May it is quite high and up for significantly longer, so it’s unnecessary to raise the panels. The panels are fine in winds up to 20-25 mph, but I would not raise them in higher winds in case of damage. They are so quick and easy to deploy that there is no point leaving them up in iffy weather."

Heater: "My heater has last worked perfectly," Allan said. "We have had temps down to 15F, and it can keep the cabin at 70+ with no issue. I have no idea what the upper limit would be as 70 is too hot for me! I have 2 x 10lb tanks, and I have to refill one every 2-3 weeks if I’m using it every night when temps are below freezing. We spent the vast majority of the summer camped at 8-12,000 feet, and the only thing that I found is that I must keep the tanks fairly full in order to have enough pressure to fire the burner." (Heater specifics are described in Part 1 of this series.)

BLM campground near St. George, Utah, June 2022
Hot Weather:
 "My main trick for dealing with hot temps has been to camp at high altitudes with nice warm days and cool nights. The only unpleasant night we endured was at Zion with temps over 100. We moved to above 8,000’ and the problem was solved. I can run my air conditioner with my solar setup for a few hours but have only had to do that once (in Zion)." In the photo above, Allan had just arrived at a BLM campground, "just a balmy 99F at 4:45pm." After helping a camper next to him back in a Minnie Winnie, Allan struck up a very short conversation. 
Me: Hot enough for you?
Dude: But it’s a dry heat.
Me: Rather like sticking one’s head into an oven.
Dude:  (Crickets)
Allan said about his hot stay: "No hookups but I will run the a/c later for an hour or two to cool things off.  Still it’s just for the night, we’ll head to higher altitude tomorrow."

Toilet Facility: (I asked Allan if he had a particular system for his waste management when off the grid, or whether he just managed with a shovel and a hole.) "LOL I do have a portable toilet but have yet to use it. I just use a 5 gal bucket with a toilet seat on top. I use trash bags and cat litter to keep things nice and clean and odor free." 

June 2022
Packing Water:
Water usage is always an issue when boondocking, and Allan typically carries about twenty gallons of water for himself and Finley, which gets them through a week to a week and a half, depending on how often he showers. "I have the ability to carry up to forty gallons, using some deflatable water jugs but have not had the need to use them yet." He has a hot water system made by Joolca HotTap v2, appropriately named the Nomad, and Allan reports that it works brilliantly. "One super indulgent thing I love about finding campsites way off the beaten path," says Allan, "is the ability to use my Joolca for an alfresco shower, then sit in the sun and sip my coffee while drying off. The Joolca is a game changer for sure!!"

Flagstaff, Arizona area, May 2022
The Blue Heeler:
 "Finley has been a trooper," Allan says, "always keeping me entertained and on my toes!!" The dog was sick once with what seemed to be a mild case of dehydration, but it cleared up in a day or two with rest and water. Then it was off for more hikes. Regarding the photo above, Allan wrote, "We had a fantastic hike up to the inner basin today, 6.6 miles and about 1500’ of elevation gain. I was watching Finley very closely, and he was back to his usual self, constantly pulling me along!! I made sure he drank often, and we took our time on the ascent. Still, I don’t think we’ll do any longer hikes until I’m absolutely positive there are no lingering issues. It was a beautiful day in the mountains!"

East Pocket, Arizona, May 2022
All of Allan's travel experience has paid off with a spring filled with beauty and adventure. What better way to finish this article than with a peak experience of our intrepid travelers enjoying a campsite at "the end of the world," as the locals describe an off-the-grid camping area between Sedona and Flagstaff, Arizona. On the maps it's designated East Pocket. Located in the Coconino National Forest, the road up was a twenty-three mile journey over sometimes "quite rough and rutted gravel and mud but nothing too taxing," Allan relates; however, remember that Allan drives a pickup and pulls a tiny trailer that does have some off-road capabilities. "I did not even engage 4wd. It’s recommended that high clearance vehicles and 4wd are used, but I think a normal car could make the journey if they were careful. Did not see any trailers larger than mine while up there, mainly jeeps and trucks with tents and there are signs suggesting it unwise for trailers to travel the road," Allan said. The campsite was between 5,000 and 6,000 feet, is Allan's recollection. "Weather was lovely, highs in the eighties and lows in the forties at night and very dry. No water or any kind of facilities, so you have to pack in and pack out everything." The location was recommended to Allan by Jim Cook, of Facebook's Rustic Trail Teardrops and Friends group, as one of his favorite places to camp. 

East Pocket dispersed camping area, Arizona
The best place and time to end this spring adventure for Allan and Finley is traveling off-road on the rims of the Grand Canyon. Here's how Allan relates one day. 
"Well, we drove all over the north rim, had to make two u-turns on single-track roads (not easy) thanks to downed trees but perseverance paid off in the end with a spectacular camping site on the east rim, and I mean right on the east rim! Will definitely have to watch how many glasses of wine I consume! I even have a promontory to sit with my legs dangling over the canyon. Fin is happy as there’s no one around and he’s off leash to go on a sniffari."

Grand Canyon rim boondocking, early June 2022
The next leg of the traveling duo will cover the summer months of 2022, so expect some heat and some high altitude camping! Be sure to use the email subscription below in order to not miss Green Goddess Glamping articles and adventures, such as Allan's (and a few of my own). 

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